I met John Morlino for the first time at the annual Summerfest of the North American Vegetarian Society held at the University of Pittsburgh in July of 1999. Stepping down from the podium myself, I then sat and was transfixed by John's presentation.
Having spoken extensively throughout Europe and the USA for over a decade I have had the honour of listening to many superb presentations by some of the world's most respected speakers. Never before have I witnessed an individual whose depth of genuine loving compassion is so powerful as to quietly magnetise the attention of an entire auditorium. The delegates, like me, were riveted to John's tranquil yet passionate speech. He communicated with clarity and sensitivity, the beauty of his message was offered in an unimposing way that captivated the hearts of the listeners.
John is one of those very rare spirits who is able to combine the gift of natural communication skills with a sincerity born of true inner compassion and profound humility. I feel certain that whoever is fortunate enough to observe John's work will have had their lives touched in a unique and enriching way. John sets an example to us all of the quiet power of communications rooted in authentic love and an impenetrable desire to be a positive influence upon the world. I encourage any potential organiser to secure his contribution to their event.
Prof. Rozalind A Gruben, West Sussex (UK)
Roz Gruben photo from The Fresh Network Blog.
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